Lets open chrome://net-internals/#dns
Lets open chrome://net-internals/#dns
Here it goes…
Under Developer Tools… do the following…
Et voilá!
My Google Chrome is returning me the error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN while I’m trying to access one of my subdomains that I’v recently moved (forced to) http to https.
I’v tried to flush my DNS servers… it didn’t worked :/
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache
You *must* change your DNS servers to another one… I usually OpenDNS some times…
By the way! – I didn’t made this – I’v removed all my browser’s cache.
By exploiting bugs in Google Chrome, malicious sites can activate your microphone, and listen in on anything said around your computer, even after you’ve left those sites.
Even when not using your computer – conversations, meetings and phone calls next to your computer may be recorded and compromised.
With this recent upgrade of Chrome, when we open a new tab (cmd + t) our cursor won’t go right away to the url box… SH*T!!
This is how we can solve it.
On url box we must enter chrome://flags and then look for Enable Instant Extended API and disable it!