I’v recently posted an article mentioning Facebook Ion Auth, and a visitor from France asked me how did I installed it.
Please notice that you are at your own risk using this!
Please post a comment if you find any mistake, error, problem, issue, etc, etc!
Autor: Me!
The basic – Codeigniter, Ion Auth and Facebook Ion Auth
These are the steps.
- Install CodeIgniter on your server;
- Install Ion Auth in this CodeIgniter installation (Ion Auth’s installation tutorial);
- Copy the php of Facebook Ion Auth library;
- On your application/libraries/ create Facebook_ion_auth.php
- Past the copied php from Facebook Ion Auth, to the file created on the previous step and save it!
- On your application/config/autoload.php on $autoload[‘libraries’] add Facebook_ion_auth
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'ion_auth', 'Facebook_ion_auth');