Tag Archives: performance

algolia – hosted cloud search as a service




Found Algolia the other day on https://cdnjs.com/.
Looks cool to try to look out it works…
They have a blog where they post some interesting articles about the service…

Moreover, Algolia is very easy to implement on your website as the company opted for a SaaS strategy. It means that you can implement the company’s search engine for database objects in just a few lines of code thanks to its hosted API, feed the service with JSON-formatted data, and customize it to your needs. After that, your users can start searching right away. They will interact with Algolia’s servers without ever leaving your site. With 12 different data centers across the world, Algolia tries to make the experience as responsive as possible for its users.

Source: http://techcrunch.com/2015/05/20/algolia-grabs-18-3-million-from-accel-for-its-search-api-on-steroids/


Some more readings


In Portugal we have a word similar to Algolia… and it isn’t good!

Continue reading algolia – hosted cloud search as a service

Sucuri lunched Performance – A Website Performance Tool

Sucuri has lunched an Website Performance Tool.

We extract three key metrics that are critical to the performance of any website: connection time, time to first byte (TTFB) and total load time:

  • Connection time: It measures how long it takes for the TCP session to be established to your website. If you are a networking geek, it measures how long it takes for the 3-way handshake to be completed.
  • Time To First Byte (TTFB): This is one of the most important numbers to pay attention to, as it tells you how long it takes for the first byte to be received by the browser. This metric is important because as soon as the browser receives the first few bytes, it can start to load the page and display content to the end user.
  • Total Load Time: This shows how long it takes for the full page to be loaded.

To give us the visibility we need for these tests, we setup 13 globally distributed testing stations:

  • 4 in USA (New York, Atlanta, Dallas and Los Angeles)
  • 1 in Canada (Montreal)
  • 4 in Europe (Germany, UK, France and Netherlands)
  • 2 in Asia (Japan and Singapore)
  • 1 in South America (Brazil)
  • 1 in Australia




Unused CSS – clean up css stylesheets


Most of *tutorials* about speed optimization that I’v seen talk about minify css, combine them etc… today I’v faced myself (lol) in to a problem… I’m using Flat UI – Free Bootstrap Framework and Theme on a very simple html page. That page will be delivered in a zip file and I just want the HTML itself… So, I want to put the CSS in the HTML but I don’t want the unused stylesheets on it…

So I’v installed CSS remove and combine from Steve McArthur.


Some graphs taken from https://unused-css.com/ about the used/not used CSS selectors/stylesheed.



chart (4) chart (3)s

  • 27% of the CSS selectors are used
  • The cleaned CSS file size is 61% smaller


chart (6) chart (5)

  • Css usage after cleaning 7% of the CSS selectors are used
  • The cleaned CSS file size is 85% smaller


14 Rules for Faster-Loading Web Sites, from Steve Souders

High Performance Web Sites


Slowy app Real-world connection simulator and bandwidth limiter

So anyone working with web knows that websites speed – and internet speeds – are important to retain clients/visitors.

I probably gonna start to work with a client from Colombia – not drugs related – that needs to ensure that his website and content is optimized to his main clients – colombian people – who at the top, have 2Mb internet connection – and I might need to limit my internet connection to that speed (and lower) to study the website strangulation.

I will use Slowy app Real-world connection simulator and bandwidth limiter.


Continue reading Slowy app Real-world connection simulator and bandwidth limiter

Preload images with JavaScript without frameworks

Here’s a good article about how to preload pics/images without frameworks.

There are two scenarios here. Case 1: you just want to load all your images prior to displaying the rest of your page. Whether that’s because you like it this way or you need to get the browser to ‘know’ your images widths and heights first, preload a gallery of images, it does not matter. The arguments for ‘speeding up’ page loads are a bit moot now, with modern connections and modern browsers there are no great benefits to this. Either way, you need to arrange your code in a way that allows you totrigger some event or function when the loading is complete in order to continue displaying your site.

And then, there’s case 2: pre-emptive image loading / cache priming, which is the more interesting use. This is a relatively new trend that involves examining the user’s browsing pattern and anticipating what they do next. For instance, if they are browsing product listings as a result of a search with 100 results (20 per page), it is almost safe to assume they may want to go to page 2 or 3. It is also safe to assume the average user would take a while to finish appraising their results, scroll down and locate the ‘next’ link. This idle slot is where you can put their connection to better use by priming the browser cache with the product thumbnails of the next results page. In this instance, you don’t really care for any onload / oncomplete events, the benefits of the cache will be reaped on the next page instead.

Read it all on http://fragged.org/preloading-images-using-javascript-the-right-way-and-without-frameworks_744.html



WordPress caching – Quick Cache

I have a bunch of wordpress blogs, two of them getting 1k unique visitor each.

Both of homepage was taking almost 3 seconds to be compiled…
I’v installed a small WordPress Plugin named Quick Cache, to make cache of pages, and from almost 3 seconds now they are served in less that half of a second.

Before Quick Cache plugin

After Quick Cache plugin

History from some tests on the 10th of March and 17th of March.