Tag Archives: Redis

redis-commander – how to install on Utuntu 14.04 LTS

How to install it
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
npm install -g redis-commander
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

Starting your redis-commander
redis-commander --redis-host --redis-port 32001 -p 8081
How to access via web browser?


How to protect your redis-commander with a username / password

Add at the end of the redis-commander command –http-u desired-username and –http-p desired-password.

redis-commander --redis-host --redis-port 32001 -p 8081 --http-u desired-username --http-p desired-password



Tools to monitor a Redis database?

Redis Commander

Redis-Commander is a node.js web application used to view, edit, and manage a Redis Database




Simple sinatra based dashboard for redis. After seeing the fnordmetric project I was inspired to write this. Some of the ideas there have be carried over here.



Real time dashboard for redis

I often find myself wondering how our redis instances are being used and which areas of the application are the heavy consumers. It’s also useful to predict how the memory consumption is growing over a period of time. Luckily, redis offers a couple of commands, INFO and MONITOR that expose some useful bits of information. Using the data from these two commands, it’s easy to build up a trend over a period of time.





redis-stat is a simple Redis monitoring tool written in Ruby.

It is based on INFO command of Redis, and thus generally won’t affect the performance of the Redis instance unlike the other monitoring tools based on MONITOR command.

redis-stat allows you to monitor Redis instances

  • either with vmstat-like output from the terminal

  • or with the dashboard page served by its embedded web server.



Redis Autocomplete – 8 millions of entries

This is a demo of the new ZRANGEBYLEX Redis command. It autocompletes the query field using all the 8 millions of unique lines of the Linux kernel source code as autocompletion dictionary. 

Every time the user types something, the page sends a request to a small PHP snippet called search.php which sends a query to Redis, and returns the result to the web page as a JSON array.
As you type in the input field below, you’ll see the list of suggestions appearing. 



HipChat – stats and platform

This is a really good article where they talk about REDIS and ElasticSearch.


  • 60 messages per second.

  • 1.2 Billion documents stored

  • 4TB of EBS Raid

  • 8 ElasticSearch servers on AWS

  • 26 front end proxy serves. Double that in backend app servers.

  • 18 people

  • .5 terabytes of search data.


  • Hosting: AWS EC2 East with 75 Instance currently all Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

  • Database: CouchDB currently for Chat History, transitioning to ElasticSearch.  MySQL-RDS for everything else

  • Caching: Redis

  • Search: ElasticSearch

  • Queue/Workers server: Gearman (queue) and Curler, (worker)

  • Language: Twisted Python (XMPP Server) and PHP (Web front end)

  • System Configure: Open Source Chef + Fabric

  • Code Deployment: Capistrano

  • Monitoring: Sensu and monit pumping alerts to Pagerduty

  • Graphing: statsd + Graphite

    Read more at: http://highscalability.com/blog/2014/1/6/how-hipchat-stores-and-indexes-billions-of-messages-using-el.html


Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Couchbase vs Neo4j vs Hypertable vs ElasticSearch vs Accumulo vs VoltDB vs Scalaris comparison

Heres a good – for a n00b guys like me – article about NoSQL databases!

Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Couchbase vs Neo4j vs Hypertable vs ElasticSearch vs Accumulo vs VoltDB vs Scalaris comparison
