Tag Archives: wordpress

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS tutorials

How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on Ubuntu 16.04

How to secure an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server


The Perfect Server – Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) with Apache, PHP, MySQL, PureFTPD, BIND, Postfix, Dovecot and ISPConfig 3.1


How To Protect WordPress with Fail2Ban on Ubuntu 14.04


UFW Essentials: Common Firewall Rules and Commands


Other readings…

Potential ufw and fail2ban conflicts



InfiniteWP – self-hosted multiple WordPress management platform

I run several WP blogs/sites… for me and for my clients…
3 of my WP blogs get 1.5K users per day… they aren’t huge, but they might get some extra attention to hackers…
Wordpress this days had some huge security vulnerabilities – WordPress itself and well known plugins like JetPack!…

One of my clients use Infinite WP.
I might try this out!

What is InfiniteWP?
InfiniteWP is a free, self-hosted multiple WordPress management platform that simplifies your WordPress management tasks into a simple click of a button.

One Master Login
One-click access to all your WordPress dashboards. Forget your passwords once and for all.
One-click updates
Click the Update All button like a Boss and update everything – WP core, plugins and themes.
Instant Backup & Restore
Create backups of all your WordPress sites simultaneously. Restore backups instantly.
Manage Plugins & Themes
Activate, Deactivate and delete plugins and themes in bulk. Bulk install favorite plugins with a single click.

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On your wordpress you need to install InfinityWP plugin.
After install and activate it, you will see a screen like this…
Hit the Copy details and, from your WP you are done.

Google Chrome 81

On you Infinity WP, on the left bottom you will see a Add Website bottom. Hit it!

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Now, just Past the codes copied from your WordPress blog… 🙂
Repeat this for all your blogs! 🙂

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WordPress caching – Quick Cache

I have a bunch of wordpress blogs, two of them getting 1k unique visitor each.

Both of homepage was taking almost 3 seconds to be compiled…
I’v installed a small WordPress Plugin named Quick Cache, to make cache of pages, and from almost 3 seconds now they are served in less that half of a second.

Before Quick Cache plugin

After Quick Cache plugin

History from some tests on the 10th of March and 17th of March.

WordPress – languages, translations – edit them!

I’m using Poedit to make the translations.
You can download it from their official website http://www.poedit.net/.

Well, lets start!

Locate your .po file of your theme folder.
I had to make some changes on it, with a text editor – I used coda -.
I had to change the “X-Poedit-SearchPath-0” to my correct path one or poedit crashed.

Make the translations!
You can hit Validate and Update but only when you close Poeditor the .mo file is updated!

I’v uploaded the new file to my theme_name/languages/ folder under pt_PT.po and pt_PT.mo.

This way I was seeing the translated items in the Admin board etc.