The Node Pole

About The Node Pole

The Node Pole region encompasses the municipalities Luleå, Boden and Piteå in the very north of Sweden, just by the Arctic Circle. The region has the epithet The Node Pole due to its northern position and potential to become a global hub for data traffic.

The Node Pole holds perfect conditions to create bespoke construction solutions for high tech, electricity intensive construction such as data centers. In addition to having an extremely stable electricity infrastructure, The Node Pole region provides natural cooling and renewable hydropower with low energy costs. It is also one of the most geologically, politically and socially stable areas in the world. The Node Pole is owned by the three municipalities, Luleå Business Agency and other regional business organizations.

Doing business here is unusually simple. We have a natural integrity, we know each other and building fruitful networks is facilitated by short distances between people. We also work closely with Business Sweden, the official Swedish trade and invest council, and their team of ICT-professionals.

We offer several identified site locations, with the possibility to harness the regional qualities and create bespoke location solutions. We are happy to share our knowledge and provide in-depth consultancy tailored to your specific needs.

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