- link to open instagram app
<a href = “instagram://app”>open instagram</a>
- link to open instagram on camera mode
<a href = “instagram://camera”>open instagram on camera mode</a>
link to open instagram on a mobile device library
<a href = “instagram://library”>open instagram on device’s library</a>
- link to open instagram on a user’s profile
<a href = “instagram://user?username=pjrfigueiredo”>pjrfigueiredo profile</a>
- link to open instagram on a location id
<a href = “instagram://location?id=1”>some location</a>
- link to open instagram on a specific media (photo)
<a href = “instagram://media?id=1114062050188371922_213108624”>a photo that i’v toke</a>- How to get the media id?
- How to get the media id?
Beginning today, the iOS Hooks and Android Intents will stop accepting captions passed by third party apps. (…) Instagram will ignore the caption text. To create a caption for a photo or video shared by a third party app, users will have to enter a caption manually, the same way they already do when sharing content using the Instagram native apps.
Source: http://developers.instagram.com/post/125972775561/removing-pre-filled-captions-from-mobile-sharing
More readings
Hello, that was realy helpful thank you.
What about if we try to open on desktop pc ? Link doesnt work at desktop. Do you have a solution for that ?
Thanks already.