Tag Archives: dreamhost

VPS Dreamhost / New Dream Network Speed test


Retrieving speedtest.net configuration…
Retrieving speedtest.net server list…
Testing from New Dream Network, LLC (…
Selecting best server based on ping…
Hosted by Fireline Broadband (Irvine, CA) [27.72 km]: 37.75 ms
Testing download speed………………………………….
Download: 310.53 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed…………………………………………..
Upload: 153.18 Mbits/s


Testing from New Dream Network, LLC (…
Selecting best server based on ping…
Hosted by California Internet Solutions (Los Angeles, CA) [37.84 km]: 40.77 ms
Testing download speed………………………………….
Download: 624.50 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed…………………………………………..
Upload: 75.94 Mbits/s


Testing from New Dream Network, LLC (…
Selecting best server based on ping…
Hosted by Fireline Broadband (Irvine, CA) [27.72 km]: 39.657 ms
Testing download speed………………………………….
Download: 382.79 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed…………………………………………..
Upload: 97.18 Mbits/s


Testing from New Dream Network, LLC (…
Selecting best server based on ping…
Hosted by Fireline Broadband (Irvine, CA) [27.72 km]: 35.048 ms
Testing download speed………………………………….
Download: 749.36 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed…………………………………………..
Upload: 79.82 Mbits/s

monit on dreamhost

Since the last update of VPS on Dreamhost, that my ‘machine’ is f*cked up…
Till then, i’v managed to make it stable on nginx + php-fpm or something…

Now that 502 and 504 nightmare is back.

In the journey to solve my PHP-CGI problems on dreamhost, i’v installed monit.
This is how I made it and the tweaks that i’v gathered from other guys.

Monit is easiest to install through apt-get.

apt-get install monit

BUT on dreamhost this will install us the version 5.1.1, a older one, currently the latest version is 5.6, and for my needs I need at least the 5.3.

I will explain how I’v upgraded from 5.1.1 to 5.6.
Credits go to Luc Castera.

Update monit 5.1.1 to monit 5.6



My “/home/utils/webserver_response.sh”

curl -sL -w "%{http_code}\\n" "http://www.mydomain.com" -o /dev/null -m 20  --connect-timeout 20
exit $?

My “/etc/monit/conf.d/webserverrequest.cfg”

check program script with path "/home/utils/webserver_response.sh"
if status == 502 then exec "/home/utils/nginx_cron.sh"
if status == 504 then exec "/home/utils/nginx_cron.sh"
if status == 000 then exec "/home/utils/nginx_cron.sh"

My nginx_cron.sh

Got from http://files.gimmesoda.com/nginx_cron.sh


# PHP FastCGI BandAid on DH
# Version 4, 10-28-2011
# By JuanJose Galvez (DH Tech Support)
# Set this up as a cron job under root
# I normally save this under /root/php_fastcgi.sh
# *     *       *       *       *       /bin/sh /root/php_fastcgi.sh;
# - Added support for PHP 5.3
# - Removed lsof check
# - Writing to log
# - Remove while loops
# - Added user name to log and fixed date -Tyler

#USERS=`ls -la /home/ | grep -v root | awk {'print $3'} | sed '/^$/d'`
USERS=`grep pragma /dh/nginx/servers/*/nginx.conf | awk {'print $3'} | sort | uniq`
for user in $USERS
        echo "User: $user"

        PHPCOUNT=`ps aux | grep '.p*.sock' | grep $user | wc -l`
        echo "PHP Processes: $PHPCOUNT"

        if [ "$PHPCOUNT" -lt 3 ]
            echo "$DATE: Only $PHPCOUNT PHP Processes for $user" >> /root/cron_log.txt
            pkill -9 -f .p*.sock -u $user
            /etc/init.d/nginx startphp
            PHPCOUNT=`ps aux | grep '.p*.sock' | grep $user | wc -l`







Once monit is installed we can edit the configuration file:

vi /home/utils/monit-5.6/monitrc

this is what I actually have on my monitrc

set daemon 10
set logfile /var/log/monit.log
set mailserver
set mail-format {from:[email protected]}
set alert [email protected] only on {timeout, nonexist}
set httpd port 2812 and
use address localhost
allow localhost
include /etc/monit/conf.d/*.cfg



all the rest (default) is there commented…


I had to edit  /etc/default/monit

and change value from startup from 0 to 1

I tried to start monit and I got the following error…

Starting daemon monitor: monit/etc/monit/monitrc:246: Warning: include files not found '/etc/monit/conf.d/*'

Some people say that we just need to create a dummy.conf file on /etc/monit/conf.d/ and move one… but wasn’t my case, in fact I need a .conf there.

The /etc/monit/conf.d/nginx.conf

check process nginx
with pidfile /dh/nginx/servers/httpd-xxxxxxx/var/logs/nginx.pid
start program = "/etc/init.d/nginx start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/nginx stop"
if failed host mydomain.com port 80 protocol HTTP then restart #set your server IP that runs nginx
if failed host mydomain.com port 80 protocol HTTP then alert
if 5 restarts with 5 cycles then alert
check program webserverresponse with path /root/webserver_response.sh
if match "502" then exec "/root/nginx_cron.sh"
if match "504" then exec "/root/nginx_cron.sh"
if match "502" then alert
depends on nginx


Please notice that check program was only introduced in monit 5.3.
I guess that apt-get install monit on dreamhost install us the monit 5.1.1.

My webserver_response.sh
Got from http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/monit-general/2012-11/msg00032.html

curl -sL -w "%{http_code}\\n" "http://localhost" -o /dev/null --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 5
exit $?

I’v added –connect-timeout 5 –max-time 5 at the end to get it faster and avoid endless waitings… 

My nginx_cron.sh
Got from http://files.gimmesoda.com/nginx_cron.sh


# PHP FastCGI BandAid on DH
# Version 4, 10-28-2011
# By JuanJose Galvez (DH Tech Support)
# Set this up as a cron job under root
# I normally save this under /root/php_fastcgi.sh
# *     *       *       *       *       /bin/sh /root/php_fastcgi.sh;
# - Added support for PHP 5.3
# - Removed lsof check
# - Writing to log
# - Remove while loops
# - Added user name to log and fixed date -Tyler

#USERS=`ls -la /home/ | grep -v root | awk {'print $3'} | sed '/^$/d'`
USERS=`grep pragma /dh/nginx/servers/*/nginx.conf | awk {'print $3'} | sort | uniq`
for user in $USERS
        echo "User: $user"

        PHPCOUNT=`ps aux | grep '.p*.sock' | grep $user | wc -l`
        echo "PHP Processes: $PHPCOUNT"

        if [ "$PHPCOUNT" -lt 3 ]
            echo "$DATE: Only $PHPCOUNT PHP Processes for $user" >> /root/cron_log.txt
            pkill -9 -f .p*.sock -u $user
            /etc/init.d/nginx startphp
            PHPCOUNT=`ps aux | grep '.p*.sock' | grep $user | wc -l`

Solving monit: error connecting to the monit daemon

Monit can present an HTTP interface which I didn’t enable as I thought it was just for me, it turns out it’s also for the command line tools!

It’s really easy to enable, in /etc/monit.conf or wherever your conf file is located just add

set httpd port 2812 and
use address localhost
allow localhost

and restart monit with

service monit restart


[ps154868]$ sudo ./monit start
monit: The control file ‘/home/utils/monit-5.6/monitrc’ must be owned by you.
[ps154868]$ ls -la
total 3364
drwxr-xr-x 8 501 staff 4096 Set 5 03:03 .
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 113 Set 5 02:44 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 10 Set 5 02:55 .libs
-rw-r–r– 1 501 staff 36073 Set 3 09:03 CHANGES
-rw-r–r– 1 501 staff 34940 Ago 20 00:37 COPYING
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 43265 Set 5 02:45 Makefile
-rw-r–r– 1 501 staff 3784 Set 3 05:55 Makefile.am
-rw-r–r– 1 501 staff 42849 Set 3 05:55 Makefile.in
-rw-r–r– 1 501 staff 3986 Ago 20 00:37 README
-rw-r–r– 1 501 staff 344252 Set 3 05:51 aclocal.m4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 staff 501 Mai 10 2012 bootstrap
drwxr-xr-x 2 501 staff 113 Set 5 02:44 config
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 257210 Set 5 02:45 config.log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 64542 Set 5 02:45 config.status
-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 staff 495482 Set 3 05:55 configure
-rw-r–r– 1 501 staff 25097 Set 3 05:50 configure.ac
drwxr-xr-x 3 501 staff 4096 Set 5 02:45 contrib
drwxr-xr-x 2 501 staff 50 Set 5 02:44 doc
drwxr-xr-x 7 501 staff 4096 Set 5 02:54 libmonit
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 293314 Set 5 02:45 libtool
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1565950 Set 5 02:55 monit
-rw-r–r– 1 501 staff 171084 Set 3 05:48 monit.1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 501 staff 10898 Set 5 03:03 monitrc
drwxr-xr-x 6 501 staff 4096 Set 5 02:55 src
[ps154868]$ chown root monitrc
[ps154868]$ sudo ./monit start
monit: The control file ‘/home/utils/monit-5.6/monitrc’ must have permissions no more than -rwx—— (0700); right now permissions are -rwxrwxrwx (0777).
[ps154868]$ chmod 0700 monitrc
[ps154868]$ sudo ./monit start
monit: please specify the configured service name or ‘all’ after start




Some credits
Houssan A. Hijazi, Analista de Sistemas www.lojasnoparaguai.com.br / www.libanovivo.org

Dreamhost, nginx, 502 Bad Gateway and 504 Gateway Time-out

I’m on dreamhost since 2007, and about a year ago they moved me to a VPS… lots of nodes, etc… etc… no problem with that… the problem was that Apache was using lots of memory and 95% of the requests are to static files (images), so I changed from Apage to nginx but since that my sites were always down due to

502 bad gateway

  1. Open your php.ini
    How to know the location? execute a phpinfo() and search for Loaded Configuration File. On DH, it’s at

  2. search for max_execution_time and set it to 90 (probably was 30)
max_execution_time = 90


504 Gateway Time-out

Here’s how I solved my problem…


Add the following lines to /dh/nginx/servers/httpd-psXXXXXX/nginx.conf in http { section

proxy_connect_timeout  60s;
proxy_send_timeout  60s;
proxy_read_timeout  60s;
fastcgi_send_timeout 60s;
fastcgi_read_timeout 60s;

and then restart nginx.

I also added some sh*ts to cron…

#tCGI BandAid on DH
# Version 4, 10-28-2011
# By JuanJose Galvez (DH Tech Support)
# Set this up as a cron job under root
# I normally save this under /root/php_fastcgi.sh
# *     *       *       *       *       /bin/sh /root/php_fastcgi.sh;
# - Added support for PHP 5.3
# - Removed lsof check
# - Writing to log
# - Remove while loops
# - Added user name to log and fixed date -Tyler

#USERS=`ls -la /home/ | grep -v root | awk {'print $3'} | sed '/^$/d'`
USERS=`grep pragma /dh/nginx/servers/*/nginx.conf | awk {'print $3'} | sort | uniq`
for user in $USERS
        echo "User: $user"

        PHPCOUNT=`ps aux | grep '.p*.sock' | grep $user | wc -l`
        echo "PHP Processes: $PHPCOUNT"

        if [ "$PHPCOUNT" -lt 3 ]
            echo "$DATE: Only $PHPCOUNT PHP Processes for $user" >> /root/cron_log.txt
            pkill -9 -f .p*.sock -u $user
            /etc/init.d/nginx startphp
            PHPCOUNT=`ps aux | grep '.p*.sock' | grep $user | wc -l`
crontab -l | { cat; echo "* * * * * /bin/sh ~/nginx_cron.sh"; } | crontab -

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop
pkill -u sadulttools
killall -9 php5.cgi
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start

Usefull links
