Tag Archives: soundcloud

Soundcloud changed their streaming format from 128kbps MP3 to 64kbps Opus


Soundcloud recently changed their streaming format from 128kbps MP3 to 64kbps Opus. This drastically reduces the audio quality and can introduce strange artifacts. I made & released a Chrome Extension to restore the 128kbps MP3s. Give it a try.



Source: https://genius.com/a/did-soundcloud-actually-cut-its-audio-quality-in-half

Prometheus, open-source service monitoring system and time series database from SoundCloud


From time to time I read their tech blog…
Today I’v found Prometheus! Hooray SoundCloud! Hooray!


An open-source service monitoring system and time series database.
Prometheus is developed in the open and has a growing community outside of SoundCloud.


Continue reading Prometheus, open-source service monitoring system and time series database from SoundCloud