On your CentOS edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 and set ONBOOT to yes and add the DNSs… in this case I’m using Google DNS ips.
Should work! 😉
On your CentOS edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 and set ONBOOT to yes and add the DNSs… in this case I’m using Google DNS ips.
Should work! 😉
HipHop for PHP (shortened as HipHop) describes a series of PHP execution engines and improvements created by Facebook. The original motivation of HipHop was to save resources on Facebook servers, given the large PHP codebase of facebook.com. As development of HipHop progressed, it was realized that HipHop could substantially increase the speed of PHP applications in general. Increases in web page generation throughput by factors of up to 6 have been observed over Zend PHP.
Setup a test environment for HipHop VM.
The final VM will contain HHVM, Nginx, PHP, MySQL, ab.
Some graphs comparing PHP 5.3, PHP 5.5 and HHVM.