This is a really good article where they talk about REDIS and ElasticSearch.
60 messages per second.
1.2 Billion documents stored
4TB of EBS Raid
8 ElasticSearch servers on AWS
26 front end proxy serves. Double that in backend app servers.
18 people
.5 terabytes of search data.
Hosting: AWS EC2 East with 75 Instance currently all Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Database: CouchDB currently for Chat History, transitioning to ElasticSearch. MySQL-RDS for everything else
Caching: Redis
Search: ElasticSearch
Queue/Workers server: Gearman (queue) and Curler, (worker)
Language: Twisted Python (XMPP Server) and PHP (Web front end)
System Configure: Open Source Chef + Fabric
Code Deployment: Capistrano
Monitoring: Sensu and monit pumping alerts to Pagerduty
Graphing: statsd + Graphite
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