This is are my discovers on the new routing system on Laravel 5.0.
Yah! I was trying, yesterday to use this new thing on Laravel.
Theres a huge discussion about in on Laracasts ( … I’m not concerned about it… I just want it to work… how/why have they chosen this way its *their* problem.
Ok! yesterday I got a little mad with it.
I was following the book! and I wasn’t getting it to work.
This is how it works.
We need to add our controllers to app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php.
Add your new controller to the list.
On our controller
/** * @Get("/tos/") */ public function terms() { echo '<h1>Terms of Service!</h1>'; }
After adding all your route annotations, you will need to update the “route:list” or what they call…
This is how…
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan route:scan
and list them on console…
php artisan route:list
Your routes should work now.
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