A video on Laracast says that routes.php is inside ./app/Http/.
Can’t find it.
I’m trying to figure it out and update this post! 🙂
OK!, almost 24hours later…
But!, I hadn’t been all this time looking for the solution.
YES!, I’v seen it before and tried but didn’t worked…
I was trying to use Laravel Annotation, but with no success.
OK!, heres the real sh*t.
We can have routes.php on Laravel 5Â inside app/Http.
We need to active it on app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php, by uncomment require app_path(‘Http/routes.php’);.
You will need to update the “route:list” or what they call…
This is how…
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan route:scan
and list them on console…
php artisan route:list
Your routes should work now.
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