Tag Archives: plesk

Esoterica – acesso externo ao MySQL em alojamentos partilhados

Em ‘tuguês…
básicamente é o seguinte:

Boa tarde,

Informamos que o acesso externo ao MySQL em alojamentos partilhados Esoterica encontra-se bloqueado por questões de segurança.

A gestão da base de dados deverá ser efectuado através do phpMyAdmin disponível no painel de controlo da sua conta de alojamento.

Se necessitar de esclarecimentos adicionais não hesite em contactar-nos.


Install Plesk in CentOS

I’m installing a Plesk on a virtual machine, in a fresh CentOS.

For non-fresh CentOS  or with f Apache, PHP, MySQL and/or Cyrus, remove them.

yum remove http* 
yum remove php* 
yum remove cyrus* 
yum remove mysql*

1. Disable SELinux status

setenforce 0

3. Make a working directory and go inside her 😉

mkdir /root/plesk
cd /root/plesk

4. Download the plesk auto installer

wget http://autoinstall.plesk.com/plesk-installer

5. Run it

 sh ./plesk-installer

Now is just follow the screens! 🙂

 All stages of the installation/upgrade have been finished.
 psa is now running on your system.
 To complete the system configuration process, please proceed to URL:
 https://localhost.localdomain:8443/ or
 Use 'root' and '<YOUR root PASSWORD>' as login name and password in case of fresh installation.
 Use 'admin' and '<YOUR admin PASSWORD>' as login name and password in case of upgrade,
 or if Plesk is already configured.

Further, use the following commands to start and stop the system:
 /etc/init.d/psa start and
 /etc/init.d/psa stop respectively.


Your host name must resolve to the correct IP address of your server – Plesk

Your host name must resolve to the correct IP address of your server, unless you are using network address translation (NAT).

Please quit Parallels Installer, fix the host name resolution problem,
and then try installing again.
You can skip the hostname check and continue the installation, however,
in such a case, the installer cannot guarantee successful installation.

I’v edited /etc/hosts/ and added webhostplesk 

to it.
It worked… dunno if is the right solution, but it worked. 🙂