I’m installing a Plesk on a virtual machine, in a fresh CentOS.
For non-fresh CentOS or with f Apache, PHP, MySQL and/or Cyrus, remove them.
yum remove http*
yum remove php*
yum remove cyrus*
yum remove mysql*
1. Disable SELinux status
setenforce 0
3. Make a working directory and go inside her 😉
mkdir /root/plesk
cd /root/plesk
4. Download the plesk auto installer
wget http://autoinstall.plesk.com/plesk-installer
5. Run it
sh ./plesk-installer
Now is just follow the screens! 🙂
All stages of the installation/upgrade have been finished.
psa is now running on your system.
To complete the system configuration process, please proceed to URL:
https://localhost.localdomain:8443/ or
Use 'root' and '<YOUR root PASSWORD>' as login name and password in case of fresh installation.
Use 'admin' and '<YOUR admin PASSWORD>' as login name and password in case of upgrade,
or if Plesk is already configured.
Further, use the following commands to start and stop the system:
/etc/init.d/psa start and
/etc/init.d/psa stop respectively.