I was looking for some monitoring tool…
I’v signed up on Datadog… why?
It has some awesome clients and the free account handles 5 hosts…
It took me less than 5 minutes to have it working and pumping graphics!
I was looking for some monitoring tool…
I’v signed up on Datadog… why?
It has some awesome clients and the free account handles 5 hosts…
It took me less than 5 minutes to have it working and pumping graphics!
HappyApps.io is a performance and uptime monitoring service, just like Pingdom.
I’v been using pingdom for years… since 2008 I guess…
Lets try HappyApps – their interface looks awesome.
Some screenshots taken from their home page….
Setting up the monitoring on all of your devices may seem daunting, but auto-discovery makes it simple. There is no need to know what objects on a device to monitor, or even how to configure them. All you need to know is the hostname or IP address, and Active Discovery does the identification and configuration. Some of the items that it looks for on each device include:
- Interfaces
- Volumes
- Physical disks
- Temperature sensors
- Virtual IPs
- VPN links
- Applications
Redis-Commander is a node.js web application used to view, edit, and manage a Redis Database
Simple sinatra based dashboard for redis. After seeing the fnordmetric project I was inspired to write this. Some of the ideas there have be carried over here.
I often find myself wondering how our redis instances are being used and which areas of the application are the heavy consumers. It’s also useful to predict how the memory consumption is growing over a period of time. Luckily, redis offers a couple of commands, INFO and MONITOR that expose some useful bits of information. Using the data from these two commands, it’s easy to build up a trend over a period of time.
redis-stat is a simple Redis monitoring tool written in Ruby.
It is based on INFO command of Redis, and thus generally won’t affect the performance of the Redis instance unlike the other monitoring tools based on MONITOR command.
redis-stat allows you to monitor Redis instances
either with vmstat-like output from the terminal
or with the dashboard page served by its embedded web server.