A few minutes after installing redis-commander and try different sh*ts to start it, I started to get some errors.
To solve this I removed .redis-commander located at my user home…
rm ~/.redis-commander
A few minutes after installing redis-commander and try different sh*ts to start it, I started to get some errors.
To solve this I removed .redis-commander located at my user home…
rm ~/.redis-commander
sudo apt-get install npm sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local npm install -g redis-commander ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node redis-commander
redis-commander --redis-host --redis-port 32001 -p 8081
Add at the end of the redis-commander command –http-u desired-username and –http-p desired-password.
redis-commander --redis-host --redis-port 32001 -p 8081 --http-u desired-username --http-p desired-password
A video on Laracast says that routes.php is inside ./app/Http/.
Can’t find it.
I’m trying to figure it out and update this post! 🙂
OK!, almost 24hours later…
But!, I hadn’t been all this time looking for the solution.
YES!, I’v seen it before and tried but didn’t worked…
I was trying to use Laravel Annotation, but with no success.
We can have routes.php on Laravel 5Â inside app/Http.
We need to active it on app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php, by uncomment require app_path(‘Http/routes.php’);.
You will need to update the “route:list” or what they call…
This is how…
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan route:scan
and list them on console…
php artisan route:list
Your routes should work now.
Since we need composer, lets install it.
We have to have installed curl and php-cli on our server.
apt-get install curl
apt-get install php5-cli
Lets now install composer.
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Lets now move composer to /user/local/bin/composer so we can run it anywhere in the system.
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Inside the folder that we want to put Laravel 5, in my case /home/webroot/domain.com/www2/ lets run
/usr/local/bin/composer create-project laravel/laravel www2 dev-develop
Simple and fast.
Inside the folder, that we installer laravel /home/webroot/domain.com/www2 lets run
php artisan -V
HOORAY! Laravel Framework version 5.0-dev!
DigitalOcean has posted a nice post about how to create a AppArmor profile for nginx on Ubuntu 14.04.
Continue reading Lifelike – Motion and Pachanga Boys – Black Naga on a Vitalic Set
Setting up the monitoring on all of your devices may seem daunting, but auto-discovery makes it simple. There is no need to know what objects on a device to monitor, or even how to configure them. All you need to know is the hostname or IP address, and Active Discovery does the identification and configuration. Some of the items that it looks for on each device include:
- Interfaces
- Volumes
- Physical disks
- Temperature sensors
- Virtual IPs
- VPN links
- Applications